
Avoiding Multiple If's in c# - Best practise

Scenario: Lets say we got to check for address lines. which includes addressline1, addressline2,Town,Country,Postcode If a开发者_运维知识库ny one of the property is entered, all other fields are mandatory. If none of it is entered, the validation doesnt have to get trigged.

To achieve it, I ended up with two lines of If statement. Like

if(AddressLine1 != null || AddressLine2 != null || Town != null || Country != null)
    if(AddressLine1 != null && AddressLine2 != null && Town != null && Country != null) == false
          return false;

Note: I am using c#. Are there any language constructs i can make use of.

private bool IsAddressValid(params string[] addressParts)
    return addressParts.Any(p => p != null) ? addressParts.All(p => p != null) : true;

To be called like so:

var addressValid = IsAddressValid(AddressLine1, AddressLine2, Town, County);

Well, the null-coalescing operator can help with the first:

if (AddressLine1 ?? AddressLine2 ?? Town ?? Country != null)
    if (AddressLine1 == null || AddressLine2 == null ||
        Town == null || Country == null)
        return false;
    // Presumably there's more here

You might want to write some helper methods though:

if (IsAnyNonNull(AddressLine1, AddressLine2, Town, Country))
    if (IsAnyNull(AddressLine1, AddressLine2, Town, Country))
        return false;

Where the utility methods would be something like:

public static bool IsAnyNonNull(params object[] values)
    return values.Any(x => x != null);

public static bool IsAnyNull(params object[] values)
    return values.Any(x => x == null);

Of course, you've still got two if statements - but I think that's basically necessary here anyway.

If you make an array of the fields in the group, then you can do:

var fields = new object[] {AddressLine1, AddressLine2, Town, Country};
return fields.All(f => f == null) || fields.All(f => f != null);

Define this:

public static bool SameNullness(params object[] values)
    int nullCount = 0;
    foreach (var value in values)
        if (value == null) nullCount++;

    return nullCount == values.Length;

Then use it like:

SameNullness(AddressLine1, AddressLine2, Town, Country); 




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