How can I detect if a list contains duplicates?
I want to know if a list contains any value more than once. Here's what I have.
has_dupes(List) ->
has_dupes(List, []).
has_dupes([Item|List], Seen) ->
case lists:filter(fun(Elem) -> Elem == Item end, Seen) of
[] ->
has_dupes(List, [Item|Seen]);
_ ->
has_dupes([], _Seen) ->
Is there a simpler/more concise/more idiomatic way to do this? I'm pretty new at the Erlang.
erlang:length(List) == sets:size(sets:from_list(List)).
What about this possible solution?
has_dupes([H|T]) ->
case lists:member(H, T) of
true -> true;
false -> has_dupes(T)
has_dupes([]) -> false.
Had a 2 million element list of binaries to check. Ran these two versions for speed. usort appears to win, 6 seconds vs 316 seconds.
14> timer:tc(fun() -> erlang:length(X) == erlang:length(lists:usort(X)) end).
15> timer:tc(fun() -> erlang:length(X) == sets:size(sets:from_list(X)) end).