Unsure how to join tables 3 times to get the desired result
I am trying to put together a query that gives me a report of number of sales of products and their stock 开发者_如何学Golevel in 3 seperate locations (store branches)
The idea is to group together the results as follows:
Prod. | Loc1 Sales | Loc1 Stk | Loc2 Sales | Loc2 Stk | Loc3 Sales | Loc3 Stk
Item 1 | 323 | 34 | 23 | 7 | 119 | 54
Item 2 | 653 | 566 | 84 | 45 | 476 | 3434
Item 3 | 121 | 23 | 300 | 5643 | 12 | 3434
I can start off by grabbing the products and the qty from one location:
SELECT col.productname, sum(col.quantity) as qty
FROM customerorderlines col
JOIN customerorders co
ON co.id = col.customerorder_id
WHERE co.orderdate BETWEEN 'start date here' AND 'end date here'
AND co.location_id = 1
GROUP BY product_id
productname | qty
item 1 | 146
item 2 | 74
item 3 | 63
item 4 | 49
Now I try to join the stock table on there:
SELECT col.productname, sum(col.quantity) AS qty, sum(s.stocklevel) AS stocklevel
FROM customerorderlines col
JOIN customerorders co
ON co.id = col.customerorder_id
JOIN stock s
ON s.product_id = col.product_id
WHERE co.orderdate BETWEEN 'start date here' AND 'end date here'
AND co.location_id = 1
AND s.location_id = 1
GROUP BY col.product_id
This, of course, doesnt work:
productname | qty | stocklevel
item 1 | 246 | 89123
item 2 | 98 | 18454
item 3 | 78 | 22565
Not only are the stocklevels wrong, it fluffs up the qty too. Still, I know this isnt the write way of going about it, so I try with a join:
SELECT col.productname, sum(col.quantity) AS qty, sl.stocklevel
FROM customerorderlines col
,SUM(stocklevel) AS stocklevel
FROM stock
GROUP BY product_id
) sl
ON sl.product_id = col.product_id
JOIN customerorders co
ON co.id = col.customerorder_id
JOIN stock s
ON s.product_id = col.product_id
WHERE co.orderdate BETWEEN 'start date here' AND 'end date here'
AND co.location_id = 1
AND s.location_id = 1
GROUP BY col.product_id
With this join, which works as a query on it own, I wait about 8 minutes before I kill the process because it just sits there.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance, Rob
SELECT p.name,
SELECT SUM(col.quantity)
FROM customerorder co
JOIN customerorderlines col
ON col.customerorder_id = co.id
WHERE co.localtion_id = 1
AND co.orderdate BETWEEN @start AND @end
AND col.product_id = p.id
SELECT SUM(stocklevel)
FROM stock s
WHERE s.location_id = 1
AND s.product_id = p.id
SELECT SUM(col.quantity)
FROM customerorder co
JOIN customerorderlines col
ON col.customerorder_id = co.id
WHERE co.localtion_id = 2
AND co.orderdate BETWEEN @start AND @end
AND col.product_id = p.id
SELECT SUM(stocklevel)
FROM stock s
WHERE s.location_id = 2
AND s.product_id = p.id
SELECT SUM(col.quantity)
FROM customerorder co
JOIN customerorderlines col
ON col.customerorder_id = co.id
WHERE co.localtion_id = 3
AND co.orderdate BETWEEN @start AND @end
AND col.product_id = p.id
SELECT SUM(stocklevel)
FROM stock s
WHERE s.location_id = 3
AND s.product_id = p.id
FROM product p
Have you thought of creating a temporary table for intermediate results. Take a look here: http://www.tutorialspoint.com/mysql/mysql-temporary-tables.htm