
T4MVC url.action in jquery /view

this may or may not be possible (and could well be in the docs but i've just missed it).

How do i structure a Url.Action() inside my view using T4MVC that will allow me to use jQuery selectors. I've been attempting the following (in my javascript) without success:

function cancelHoldBooking() {
    var url = '<%= Url.Action(MVC.FundProperty.CancelLock($("#propertyid").val())) %>';
    // other code omitted for brevity

i am able to successfully do the following:

function cancelHoldBooking() {
    var url = '<%= Url.Action("CancelLock", "FundProperty") %>';
    url += "?id=" + $("#propertyid").val();
    // other code omitted for brevity - in this case   
    // **I could of course have used the**:
    // var params = {id: $('#propertyid').val()};
    // **object**

i know this will be a 'doh' moment when the answer arrives, but for the life of me, I can't figure this out!!


[edit] - i would just add that if i omit the MVC.FundProperty.CancelLock() id paramater and attempt to just send the params object via the $ajax call, then the compiler complains about the missing parameter in the call. i can't therefore by-pass the javascript mish-mash by calling using the $a开发者_JAVA技巧jax params object with no parameters inside the CancelLock() call. frustrating :(

I think you're trying to mix client and server code in a way that just can't work. :) The <%= ... %> block is pure server side code, so it can't be using a JQuery selector. The best you can do with T4MVC might be something like:

function cancelHoldBooking() {
    var url = '<%= Url.Action(MVC.FundProperty.CancelLock()) %>';
    url += "?id=" + $("#propertyid").val();

It still saves you from literal strings for the action and controller name, but won't help you with the param.

You have to realize that <%= ... %> is processed on the server while $("#propertyid").val() is run on the client when the function cancelHoldBooking is called.

One way to solve your problem is this:

function cancelHoldBooking() {
    var url = '<%= Url.Action(MVC.FundProperty.CancelLock(999)) %>'; // Provide a magic number
    url += url.replace('999', $("#propertyid").val());  // Replace the magic number
    // other code omitted for brevity - in this case i could 
    // of course have used the params {id: $('#propertyid').val()} object




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