
jquery click(function) onload

I need help to consolidate/minify the code below. Originally I had a dropdown which controls div's visibility based on value. It works onClick but since it's a database page, it doesn't work onLoad so I had to add a 2nd logic. Any suggestions/input is gre开发者_如何学Catly appreciated.

$(document).ready(function () {
  var $caseStatus = $(this).find("#auth_status").val();
  //alert ($caseStatus);
  if ($caseStatus === "1") {
  else if ($caseStatus === "2") {
  else {

  // Show/Hide Divs for Authorization Status
  $("#auth_status").click(function () {
    if ($(this).val() === "0") {
    else if ($(this).val() === "1") {
    else if ($(this).val() === "2") {

You could reduce your code a bit by simplifying your if/else structure(since anything besides "1" is the same show/hide result and also just call the handler you're binding when the page first loads, like this:

$(function () {
  $("#auth_status").click(function () {
    var val = $(this).val();
    $(".pendingClass").toggle(val === "1");
    $(".authClass").toggle(val === "2");

$(function () {
  function toggleElements() {
    var caseStatus = $("#auth_status").val();
    $(".pendingClass").toggle(caseStatus === "1");
    $(".authClass").toggle(caseStatus === "2");

  toggleElements();                         // initial call (on page load)
  $("#auth_status").click(toggleElements);  // manual call (on user click)

You could define a couple of objects:

var authCtrl = {
  '0': { show: null, hide: '.pendingClass, .authClass' },
  '1': { show: '.pendingClass', hide: '.authClass' },
  '2': { show: '.authClass', hide: '.pendingClass' }

and similarly (backwards) for the other case. Then the handler just grabs the entry based on that field value and hides/shows as directed.





验证码 换一张
取 消

