
How to activate function reference in WebStorm/PHPStorm?

Is there function reference integrated in 开发者_开发百科PHPStorm/WebStorm ?

I mean like when i point my cursor on some php function , then I press e.g. F1 and it will show me function details (parameters, usage...) on separate page.

Is this integrated in phpstorm/webstorm ?

Press Ctrl+Q on any reference to see a doc popup Press Shift-F1 on any reference to open external link (the one lised in quick doc)

I finally figured it out on my imac. Its CTRL + J on MAC

You can also hold down Ctrl and hover over for a quick definition and furthermore click (by default) on the function name to jump to the function definition itself.

In addition to the other answers there is Ctrl+Shift+I which pops up a modal with the actual function definition. Further, if you then release Shift+I while keeping Ctrl pressed the call to the function will turn into a link when you mouse over it and clicking it takes you to the source full of the function definition.

Source: http://www.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/webhelp/viewing-definition.html#

select the function, then press fn + F1 on MAC, press CTRL + q on Windows





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