How to get a single photo by ID from Picasa using the google-gdata .net API
I'm trying to use the .net API library to get a single image by ID from Picasa.
So far, I've tried to find the correct call by doing:
- new Photo(); but there are no constructor params to tell it which photo to get
- new Entry(); same as above
- PicasaQuery.CreatePicasaUri; but I have to specify the albumId as well then, which I don't have.
I also can't seem to find the REST call for this in the API documentation (with which I could circumvent the .net API completely).
I've of course Googled this, but either nobody seems to want to get a single image by ID or I am missing the obvious (or this is a crazy scenario...).
The CreatePicasaUri method has three variations, one of which accepts a photo ID. You're right that you'll need the album ID but you should be able to obtain that.
To get a list of albums and their associated info (note that I use a structure called MyAlbum to store all of the photo info from the album for use later in my code):
Dim username As String = "default"
Dim query As AlbumQuery = New AlbumQuery(PicasaQuery.CreatePicasaUri(username))
Dim feed As PicasaFeed = service.Query(query)
Dim albums As New List(Of MyAlbum)
For Each entry As PicasaEntry In feed.Entries
Dim ac As AlbumAccessor = New AlbumAccessor(entry)
Dim a As MyAlbum
a.Name = ac.AlbumTitle
a.ImageCount = ac.NumPhotos
a.ID = ac.Id
To query based on Photo ID:
Dim query As PhotoQuery = Nothing
query = New PhotoQuery(PicasaQuery.CreatePicasaUri(username, albumID, photoID))
You wrote:
I also can't seem to find the REST call for this in the API documentation (with which I could circumvent the .net API completely).
I agree with you, the Google API documentation on Picasa doesn't spell it out explicitly. Not that I saw.
But, Do a GET on<userid>/albumid/<albumid>/photoid/<photoid>
You will need at least 2 headers in that GET request: Authorization and GData-Version. Consult the doc to see what those headers need to hold.
A typical request for a photo looks like:
GData-Version: 2
Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=..._4kdkpseUiUQaQovCNXoBd8rU8GzOHxaq5lHCzmJV4k9
A typical response looks like:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<feed xmlns='' xmlns:exif='' xmlns:gphoto='' xmlns:media='' xmlns:openSearch='' xmlns:gd='' gd:etag='W/"CEQGR385eyp7ImA9Wx9REU0."'>
<category scheme='' term=''/>
<subtitle>Uploaded by Cropper</subtitle>
<link rel='' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/>
<link rel='' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/>
<link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/>
<link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href=''/>
<link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/>
<generator version='1.00' uri=''>Picasaweb</generator>
<gphoto:license id='0' name='All Rights Reserved' url=''>ALL_RIGHTS_RESERVED</gphoto:license>
<media:content url='' height='283' width='261' type='image/jpeg' medium='image'/>
<media:credit>User Name</media:credit>
<media:description type='plain'>Uploaded by Cropper</media:description>
<media:thumbnail url='' height='72' width='67'/>
<media:thumbnail url='' height='144' width='133'/>
<media:thumbnail url='' height='283' width='261'/>
<media:title type='plain'>CropperCapture[65].jpg</media:title>