IO error: seeking to local header : while reading from a remote server using Archive::Zip,PERL
Want to read the contents from a .csv file which is in a remote zip file without downloading & extracting the zip file to local machine.
I need this because the file zip file size is too large and downloading it whenever needed takes longer time.
I am trying this in perl.
My code is : my $ftp = Net::FTP::AutoReconnect->new(""); $ftp->login("user","password"); $ftp->cwd("path");
my $fh = Net::FTP::RetrHandle->new($ftp,"");
my $zip = Archive::Zip->new($fh);
my @member_names = $zip->memberNames();
my $member1 = $zip->memberNamed("Basic/BoardDescriptions.csv");
my $string = $member1->contents();
print Dumper $string;
I get io::seeking to local header error while calling contents method, till that statement 开发者_如何转开发i guess the code is working fine.
Thanks in advance to any one who gives a try to it. Thanks.
My guess is that this is not Archive::ZIP 's fault .. can you print @member_names ?
It's not obvious how your'e suppose to extract an individual file, although Net::FTP::RetrHandle does promise it:
This was originally designed for use with Archive::Zip; it's reliable enough that the table of contents and individual files can be extracted from a remote ZIP archive without downloading the whole thing.
Try doing the same with another file from another server..