
Multiple parameters in List

I want to do something like this

List<Integer, String, String>

I want to be able to iteratively retrieve either of these three parameters. How can I go abou开发者_开发知识库t it? Thanks

What you need is a Tuple class:

public class Tuple<E, F, G> {
    public E First;
    public F Second;
    public G Third;    

Then you can iterate over the list of the tuple, and look at each entry in the tuple.

List<Tuple<Integer, String, String> listOfTuple;
for (Tuple<Integer, String, String> tpl: listOfTuple){
    // process each tuple
    tpl.First ... etc

You can create a wrapper class which holds these three variables and then store that wrapper-object in the list.

For instance

    public class ListWrapperClass {
    private String firstStringValue;
    private String secondStringValue;
    private Integer integerValue;

    public String getFirstStringValue() {
        return firstStringValue;

    public void setFirstStringValue(String firstStringValue) {
        this.firstStringValue = firstStringValue;

    public String getSecondStringValue() {
        return secondStringValue;

    public void setSecondStringValue(String secondStringValue) {
        this.secondStringValue = secondStringValue;

    public Integer getIntegerValue() {
        return integerValue;

    public void setIntegerValue(Integer integerValue) {
        this.integerValue = integerValue;

and then use List<ListWrapperClass>.

You can use a List<Object> and then cast whatever you retrieve based on the index, but you may just consider creating a class that holds these three things.





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