
Font-weight doesn't work for labels in Chrome

I 开发者_如何学Chave this line in my code:

<label style="font-weight: bold" for="sedii18n_codice_paese_indirizzo">Codice paese indirizzo</label>

but the label is showed normal.

If I go to the Chrome Inspector I can see this:

font-weight: normal !important;

If I change font-weight in the inspector the weight of the font is modified normally.

Looks like something else is overriding your bold style, hence the !important tag. Chrome Inspector should tell you where the font-weight: normal !important; is being applied. You can try putting font-weight: bold !important; inside your style attribute to override this override. :-)

have you take a look on the top right corner of your active element in the inspector?

You can find which stylesheet is overwriting you code

You can create a separate .css file for label tag and mention it as below: -

.lbl { font-weight : normal; }

Inside html file: -<label class = "lbl" for="sedii18n_codice_paese_indirizzo">Codice paese indirizzo</label>

This is working for me as well as overridden in google chrome.





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