problem with RowCommand in GridView
have this weird problem with the first click of a row item in a gridview where it doesnt fire. Im loading up a user control dynamically into a placeholder. After the first click fails, subsequent clicks are fine, and the RowCommand event fires.
Any suggestions appreciated
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.PreRender += new EventHandler(Group_PreRender);
this.Init +=new EventHandler(Group_Init);
if (Page.IsPostBack)
private void AttachEvents()
gvName.RowCommand += new GridViewCommandEventHandler(gv开发者_StackOverflow社区Name_RowCommand);
protected void gvName_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
//code here
also tried adding the event in the markup
<asp:Button ID="btnDisable" runat="server" CommandArgument="<% # Container.DataItemIndex %>" Visible="<%# ((EducateMe.BaseTypes.AbstractLink)Container.DataItem).IsActive == true %>" CommandName="Disable" ToolTip="Disable" Text="Apply" />
Update: This has been solved here ItemCommand not firing on first click in Repeater or GridView
public static class Find_Feature
#region Export
public static void Add_Event_To_Button(Button btn, int Index, string Primary_Key_Text_Field)
btn.OnClientClick = "return Find_Window('" + Index + "','" + Primary_Key_Text_Field + "')";
public static void Add_Event_To_Button(Button btn, string Primary_Key_Text_Field)
btn.OnClientClick = "return Load_Search_Invoice_Form('" + Primary_Key_Text_Field + "');";
public static void Add_Event_To_Button(Button btn, string Primary_Key_Text_Field, int Index)
btn.OnClientClick = "return Load_Search_Commercial_Invoice_Form('" + Primary_Key_Text_Field + "');";
public static void Add_Event_To_Button_Post_Shipment(Button btn, string Primary_Key_Text_Field, int Index)
btn.OnClientClick = "return Load_Search_Commercial_Invoice__Post_Shipment_Form('" + Primary_Key_Text_Field + "');";
public static void Add_Event_To_Print_Button(Button btn, Panel print)
btn.OnClientClick = "return Print('" + print.ClientID + "');";
public static void Add_Event_To_Print_Button_ForIE(Button btn, Panel print)
btn.OnClientClick = "return PrintIE('" + print.ClientID + "');";
public static void Add_Event_To_Button_Advance(Button btn, string Primary_Key_Text_Field)
btn.OnClientClick = "return Load_Search_Pre_Advanced_Master('" + Primary_Key_Text_Field + "');";
public static void Add_Event_To_Button_General_Packing_List_Combine(Button btn, string Primary_Key_Text_Field)
btn.OnClientClick = "return Load_Search_Packing_List('" + Primary_Key_Text_Field + "');";
public static void Add_Event_To_Button_Other_Packing_List_Combine(Button btn, string Primary_Key_Text_Field)
btn.OnClientClick = "return Load_Search_Packing_List_Other('" + Primary_Key_Text_Field + "');";
public static void Add_Event_To_Find_Company(Button btn, string Primary_Key_Text_Field, int Index)
btn.OnClientClick = "return Load_Company_List_Form('" + Primary_Key_Text_Field + "');";
#region Import
public static void Add_Event_To_Button_Import(Button btn, string Primary_Key_Text_Field)
btn.OnClientClick = "return Load_Import_Search_Invoice_No('" + Primary_Key_Text_Field + "');";
public static void Add_Event_To_Button_Import_commercial(Button btn, string Primary_Key_Text_Field)
btn.OnClientClick = "return Load_Import_Search_Commercial_Invoice_Form('" + Primary_Key_Text_Field + "');";
public static void Add_Event_To_Button_Import_commercial_PostShipment(Button btn, string Primary_Key_Text_Field)
btn.OnClientClick = "return Load_Import_Search_Commercial_Invoice_For_PostShipment('" + Primary_Key_Text_Field + "');";
//public static void Add_Event_To_Button_Import_Commercial_Invoice(Button btn, string Primary_Key_Text_Field)
// btn.OnClientClick = "return Load_imp_Search_Commercial_Invoice_No('" + Primary_Key_Text_Field + "');";
//public static void Add_Event_To_Button_Import_Commercial_Invoice(Button btn, string Primary_Key_Text_Field)
// btn.OnClientClick = "return Load_imp_Search_Commercial_Invoice_No('" + Primary_Key_Text_Field + "');";
public static void Add_Event_To_Button_Import_Commercial_Invoice(Button btn, string Primary_Key_Text_Field)
btn.OnClientClick = "return Load_Import_Search_Commercial_Invoice_Form('" + Primary_Key_Text_Field + "');";
#region Textbox Events
public static void Add_Event_To_TextBox(TextBox txt, int Index, string Primary_Key_Text_Field, string Next_To_Focus_Control)
txt.Attributes.Add("onfocus", "return Load_Search_Form('" + Index + "','" + Primary_Key_Text_Field + "','"
+ Next_To_Focus_Control + "')");
public static void Add_Event_To_TextBox(string tablename, TextBox txt, string Primary_Key_Text_Field, string Next_To_Focus_Control, string ID_Column, string Display_Field1, string Display_Field2, string ConditionField, string Opr, string value_field)
txt.Attributes.Add("onfocus", "return Load_Search_Form_byEmployee('" + tablename + "','" + Primary_Key_Text_Field + "','" + Next_To_Focus_Control +
"','" + ID_Column + "','" + Display_Field1 + "','" + Display_Field2 + "','" + ConditionField + "','" + Opr + "','" + value_field + "')");
public static void Add_Event_To_Button(string tablename, Button btn, string Primary_Key_Text_Field, string ID_Column, string Display_Field1, string Display_Field2, string ConditionField, string Opr, string value_field)
btn.OnClientClick = "return Load_Search_Find_byEmployee('" + tablename + "','" + Primary_Key_Text_Field +
"','" + ID_Column + "','" + Display_Field1 + "','" + Display_Field2 + "','" + ConditionField + "','" + Opr + "','" + value_field + "')";
public static void PostBack(Button btn)
btn.Attributes.Add("onclick", "__doPostBack();");
public static void Gratuity()