
Ip Address Parse Problem in C#

I am reading IPaddress from xml file and I put it into IPaddress.parse() and then use it but it does not work. it says "An invalid IP address was specified." but when I write it manually it works.

why I cant use IP address after reading xml file. I tried to erase "white spaces" , it said samething again.

string ipadd; //take ip address from xml and use
 IPAddress ipaddre = IPAddress.Parse(ipadd); 
 IPAddress ipaddre = IPAddress.Parse("")

why these are not giving same result?

If ipadd == "" then there should be nothing stopping that from working.

Obviously, though, ipadd != ""

I would suggest debugging, setting a breakpoint, and inspecting the value of ipadd when you pass it to the IPAddress.Parse() method.

On the assumption that ipadd = "", then only two possibilities exist:

1) An exception is being thrown on the parse, and therefore your compare is not happening, or 2) The method you are using to compare the two results is not appropriate.

I strongly suggest you add both statements and place a breakpoint on the next line, then you will see exactly what you are dealing with:

IPAddress ipaddreReal = IPAddress.Parse(ipadd);
IPAddress ipaddreFake = IPAddress.Parse("");
bool result = ipAddre.Real.Equals(ipaddreFake);




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