Is dbase obsolete [closed]
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Closed 8 years ago.
Improve this questionIs dbase considered obsolete? There was a time when it was more prominent that SQL, but now it seems largely dying...
dBase as a DB system seems to have just about died out now. The owning company is still in business, so technically, it's not dead.
That being said, the dbase formatted files (dbf) are still used. However, I think it's hard to justify using dBase for any new development, especially now that there are so many superior single file database solutions, such as SQLite.
These provide far superior options, especially when doing operations across multiple tables.
dBase is NOT OBSOLETE !!
Only if you do not want to work in DOS you can feel that it is obsolete.
We can even today write single and multiple table applications in our good old dBase which can handle DMBS work for small and medium sized enterprises successfully.
The reports that are generated are pure text files which can be deployed on WEB.
Both FRONTEND and BACKEND along with DML and DDL at one place it is still a great environment to work with.
The Dbase format lives on in ESRI Shapefiles used for storing geospatial data. So DBF as a file format is still not dead...
Yes, dBase is obsolete.