Rename files using batch [closed]
I have a folder with files x_blah.blah y_ho.hum z_hi.ho which I just need to drop everything to left of the underscore and the underscore from so I'm left with blah.blah ho.hum hi.ho
This should do the trick:
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for %%i in (*_*) do (
set old_name=%%i
set new_name=!old_name:*_=!
move "!old_name!" "!new_name!"
For explanation:
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
enables the so called delayed variable expansion, a feature that e.g. allows you to dereference variables inside loopsfor %%i in (*_*) do
starts a loop over all file names inside the current directory that at least have one_
and assigns that file name to the loop variable%%i
set old_name=%%i
assigns the content of the loop variable to a regular variable namedold_name
set new_name=!old_name:*_=!
does some nice string substitution on the content of the variableold_name
, replacing all characters before the first_
and the_
itself with nothing. The result is stored innew_name
. See the help of the SET command for more details (typehelp set
on the command line).move "!old_name!" "!new_name!"
finally is the command issued to rename each file from its old to its new name
To go through the files in all sub folders you can use the FOR /R
variation of the for loop. To start in the current directory, change the loop header to something like:
for /r %%i in (*_*) do (
But you also need to take into account that the loop variable now contains the fully qualified path of the file name, so you also have to change the loop body a bit to only substitute the file name:
for /r %%i in (*_*) do (
set file_path=%%~dpi
set old_file_name=%%~nxi
set new_file_name=!old_file_name:*_=!
move "!file_path!!old_file_name!" "!file_path!!new_file_name!"
Hope that helps.
Windows Batch
@echo off
FOR %%i in (PREFIX*.txt) DO (set file=%%i) & CALL :rename
GOTO :eof
REN "%file%" "%file:~6%"
GOTO :eof
You need to adjust the 6
to the length of the prefix. So for your example, you could do this:
@echo off
FOR %%i in (x_*.txt) DO (set file=%%i) & CALL :rename
GOTO :eof
REN "%file%" "%file:~2%"
GOTO :eof
Linux has multiple solutions, one of them would be this:
rename 's/^x_//' *
where x_
is the prefix.