How can I get the name of the input file in a Perl one-liner?
File monday.csv
File tuesday.csv
This Perl one-liner gives me the row with the highest value in the second column from the rows where in the first column the first three digits are 227 or 226 from the file "monday.csv":
perl -F\; -ane '$hash{$_} = $F[1] if /22[78]/; END{ print and exit for sort{ $hash{$b} <=> $hash{$a} } keys %hash }' monday.csv
This Perl one-liner gives me the row with the highest value in the second column from the rows where in the first column the first 3 digits are 227 or 226 from all *day.csv files:
perl -F\; -ane '$hash{$_} = $F[1] if /22[78]/; END{ print and exit for sort{ $hash{$b} <=> $hash{$a} } keys %hash }' *day.csv
How could I rewrite this one-liner to get an output like
filename : "row with the highest value in the second column from the rows where in the first column the first 3 digits are 227 or 226 from the file 'filename.csv'"
for each *day.csv
You can use $ARGV
for the current file name. If you're only interested in the max, no need to store all the values and then sort them; instead, just store the max for each file. Also, your regex probably should be anchored to the start of the line.
# Line breaks added for display purposes.
perl -F\; -ane '
$max{$ARGV} = $F[1] if /^22[78]/ and $F[1] > $max{$ARGV};
END{ print "$_\t$max{$_}" for sort keys %max}
' *day.csv
Or, if you want to store the entire line where the max occurs:
perl -F\; -ane '
($max{$ARGV}{ln}, $max{$ARGV}{mx}) = ($_, $F[1])
if /^22[78]/ and $F[1] > $max{$ARGV}{mx};
END{ print "$_\t$max{$_}{ln}" for sort keys %max}
' *day.csv
The filename is contained in the $ARGV
contains the name of the current file when reading from <>.
However, the one-liners presented have an issue; what if you have repeated values of your first column?
A better one-liner would be:
$ perl -F/;/ -MList::Util=max -lane 'push @{ $wanted{$ARGV} }, $F[1] if $F[0] =~ /22[78]/; } END { print "$ARGV : ", max(@{ $wanted{$_} }) for keys %wanted;' *.csv
Based on the comment:
$ perl -F/;/ -lane '$wanted{$ARGV} = \@F if $F[1] >= $wanted->{$ARGV}[1] && $F[0] =~ /22[78]/; } END { print "$_ : @$wanted{$_}" for keys %wanted;' *.csv
It seems that you can use $ARGV.