
Regular expression to remove suffixes enclosed in square brackets from comma-delimited list

I need to format the followin string

name[Name], emloyeeno[Employee Number], joindate[Date Of Join:dd MMM yyyy], email[EMail]


name, employeeno, joindate, email

I'm trying to use a regular expression to resolve this, I best I could come up with is


But it is not resolving the prob开发者_StackOverflow社区lem, I've a sample created here.

Can you help me to resolve this issue?

You can use negated character class. Something like [aeiou] matches exactly one of the lowercase vowels. [^aeiou] matches one of anything but.

For this problem, you can try /\[[^\]]*\]/g.

There are 3 parts:

  • \[ - a literal [
  • [^\]]* - zero-or-more repetition of anything but ]
  • \] - a literal ]

You may also try /\[.*?\]/ instead if you're lazy.

Related questions

  • Difference between .*? and .* for regex
  • How can I exclude some characters from a class?


This will enforce 1 or more characters inside the brackets. Also use parens to extract the match.

It is because your regular expression /[.*]/g is a greedy regular expression.

You regular expression matches all the characters between the first [ and the last ].

You need to change the regular expression as /[.*?]/g

It is because your regular expression is greedy.

You need to modify the regex as [.*?]

You need to modify it as given here





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