
explode an string and html special character filter in php

i have a textarea with ckeditor customized toolbar which user can only select smiley

now i want users can only use smilys and new line function

so if $comment is my raw text output with html tags and i want only smiley and text with new lines appeared in output not other html tags

sample raw data :

    this is a sample text</p>
    <img alt="angry" src="includes/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/angry_smile.gif" title="angry" /></p>
    text 开发者_开发百科for sample</p>

for new line in html :

$comment = nl2br($comment);

but what about showing only smileys ?!

As I answered in your previous question, encode your output with htmlspecialchars and then use nl2br to convert new lines to <br> tags.

To replace text smilies with graphics, you want a series of regular expressions rather than attempting to explode the string and output it in pieces.

The following should give you some idea:

$comment = htmlspecialchars(comment);
$comment = nl2br($comment);

$smilies = array(
  '/\b:\)\b/' => '<img src="smile.gif" />',   // :)
  '/\b:\(\b/' => '<img src="sad.gif" />',     // :(
  '/\b:p\b/'  => '<img src="tongue.gif" />',  // :p

$comment = preg_replace(array_keys($smilies), $smilies, $comment);

If I understood you correctly, then here is reference, to what you might need: strip_tags

Here is what I came up with:

function smileAndText( $some_text = '' ) {

    if( ! empty( $some_text ) ) {

        $some_text = nl2br( $some_text );

        $some_text = strip_tags( $some_text, '<img><br />' );


    return $some_text;


Look at php strip_tags http://php.net/manual/en/function.strip-tags.php. You could do something like

$comment = strip_tags(nl2br($comment),"<br />, #smiley_tag");

Not sure exactly what you're trying to do with the smileys, but there is a way to configure CK in the javascript config file to use
when the enter key is pressed. I'd still think about post-process replacing, but that's a good way to make clean code happen on the front end.





验证码 换一张
取 消

