Prolog: Getting unique atoms from propositional formulas
I can easily write a predicate to get unique elements from a given list in Prolog e.g.
no_doubles( [], [] ).
no_doubles( [H|T], F ) :-
member( H, T ),
no_doubles( T, F ).
no_doubles( [H|T], [H|F] ) :-
\+ member( H, T ),
no_doubles开发者_高级运维( T, F ).
However, how can you do the same thing but for something other than a normal list i.e. not something like [a,b,c...]? So in my case, I want to extract unique atoms for a propositional formula e.g. unique_atoms(and(x,and(x,y),z),[x,y,z]). is satisfied. Do you use recursion just like in my no_doubles example but for a formula like this?
Any ideas are welcomed :). Thanks.
So you need to process a general term (i.e. a tree structure) and get a list of its atomic leaf nodes, without duplicates. Does the result list have to have a specific order (e.g. depth-first left-to-right), or is this not important?
If you have an option to use variables instead of atoms in your formulas then you can use the (SWI-Prolog) builtin term_variables/2
, e.g.
?- term_variables(and(X, and(X, Y), Z), Vars).
Vars = [X, Y, Z].
Otherwise you have to go with a solution similar to:
term_atoms(Term, AtomSet) :-
term_to_atomlist(Term, AtomList),
list_to_set(AtomList, AtomSet).
term_to_atomlist(Atom, [Atom]) :-
term_to_atomlist(Term, AtomList) :-
Term =.. [_ | SubTerms],
terms_to_atomlist(SubTerms, AtomList).
terms_to_atomlist([], []).
terms_to_atomlist([Term | Terms], AtomList) :-
term_to_atomlist(Term, AtomList1),
terms_to_atomlist(Terms, AtomList2),
append(AtomList1, AtomList2, AtomList).
Usage example:
?- term_atoms(f(x^a1+a3*a3/a4)='P'-l, Atoms).
Atoms = [x, a1, a3, a4, 'P', l].
You might want to extend it to deal with numbers and variables in the leaf nodes.
?- setof(X, member(X,[a,b,c,a,b,c]), L).
L = [a, b, c].
?- sort([a,b,c,a,b,c], L).
L = [a, b, c].
Propositional formulas:
get_atoms(X,[X]) :-
get_atoms(and(P,Q),Atoms) :-
etc. Optimize using difference lists if necessary.
unique_atoms(P,UniqueAtoms) :- get_atoms(P,Atoms), sort(Atoms,UniqueAtoms).
A more direct way is to use sets.