
Is there a way to mark a project in eclipse if a CVS Update is pending?

when i startup eclipse, first thing i usually do is updating my source code to pull in changes from other developers (or from my home work). Sometimes i just forget it. But as we are usually working in a small team on HEAD, we all usually want to have the latest sources.

It would 开发者_开发知识库be nice to let eclipse automatically (like every hour or so), synchronize its workspace with CVS server and mark the project with a label for pending updates (of course it shoul dnot update the source code automatically!)

I have searched the web for it and i found some comments on CVS watch/edit feature. But i don't like to call edit every time i work on a file and i don't want to be informed by mail. All i need is a little icon at my project which says "You might run cvs update before you work on".

Is something like this available as a feature in eclipse?

regards Janning

Well, what you're asking for is precisely what the CVS watch/edit feature is for. I agree that the emailing issue is a major PiTA but hey - remember - CVS is quite old; many CVS concepts appear a bit odd nowadays, whereas they appeared more reasonable when CVS was first written.

I cannot think of any internal, Eclipse-provided way to do what you're asking. You basically need the "Synchronize" view to be updated periodically - and, the way that the CVS plugins are written - that view is only populated upon startup and whenever you select "synchronize with repository".






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