
Closure problem? - passing current value of a variable

I'm trying to pas开发者_如何学JAVAs the current value of a variable when an a dynamically generated navigation 'node' is clicked. This needs to just be an integer, but it always results in the last node's value.. have tried some different methods to pass the value, a custom event listener, a setter, but I suspect it's a closure problem.. help would be appreciated ;-)

function callGrid():void {

    for (var i:Number = 0; i < my_total; i++) {

        var gridnode_url = my_grid[i].@gridnode;
        var news_category= my_grid[i].@category;
        var newstitle = my_grid[i].@newstitle;
        var news_content = my_grid[i]..news_content;
        var news_image = my_grid[i]..news_image;

        var gridnode_loader = new Loader();
        container_mc.mouseChildren = false;
        gridnode_loader.load(new URLRequest(gridnode_url));
        gridnode_loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, gridLoaded);
        gridnode_loader.name = i;

        text_container_mc = new MovieClip();
        text_container_mc.x = 0;
        text_container_mc.mouseEnabled = false;
        var textY = text_container_mc.y = (my_gridnode_height+18)*y_counter;
        var tf:TextSplash=new TextSplash(newstitle,10,0,4 );
        tf.mouseEnabled = false;
        tf.height = my_gridnode_height;
        var text_container_mc_tween = new Tween(text_container_mc, "alpha", Strong.easeIn, 0,1,0.1, true);

        gridnode_loader.x = (my_gridnode_width+5) * x_counter;
        gridnode_loader.y = (my_gridnode_height+15) * y_counter;

        if (x_counter+1 < columns) {
        } else {
            x_counter = 0;
function gridLoaded(e:Event):void {
    var i:uint;
    var my_gridnode:Loader = Loader(e.target.loader);
    _xmlnewstarget = my_gridnode.name;

//when a particular grid node is clicked I need to send the current _xmlnewstarget value to the LoadNewsContent function...
//||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||

    my_tweens[Number(my_gridnode.name)]=new Tween(my_gridnode, "alpha", Strong.easeIn, 0,1,0.1, true);
    my_gridnode.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, gridLoaded);
    my_gridnode.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadNewsContent);


function loadNewsContent(e:MouseEvent):void {
    news_category = my_grid[_xmlnewstarget].@category;
    var tfnews_category:TextSplash=new TextSplash(news_category,20,16,32,false,false,0xffffff );
    tfnews_category.mouseEnabled = false;

    newstitle = my_grid[_xmlnewstarget].@newstitle;
    var tftitle:TextSplash=new TextSplash(newstitle,20,70,24,false,false,0x333333 );
    tftitle.mouseEnabled = false;

    news_content = my_grid[_xmlnewstarget]..news_content;
    var tfnews_content:TextSplash=new TextSplash(news_content,20,110,20,true,true,0x333333,330);
    tfnews_content.mouseEnabled = false;
    news_image = my_grid[_xmlnewstarget].@news_image;

    var news_container_mc_tween = new Tween(news_container_mc, "alpha", Strong.easeIn, 0,1,0.3, true);
    news_container_mc_tween.addEventListener(Event.INIT, newsContentLoaded);

I'm not going to try to read your code (try to work on your formatting, even if it's just indenting), but I'll provide a simplified example:

for (var i = 0; i < my_total; i++) {
    var closure = function() {
        // use i here

As you say, when closure is called it will contain the last value of i (which in this case would be my_total). Do this instead:

for (var i = 0; i < my_total; i++) {
    (function(i) {
        var closure = function() {
            // use i here

This creates another function inside the loop which "captures" the current value of i so that your closure can refer to that value.

See also How does the (function() {})() construct work and why do people use it? for further similar examples.

Umm, as mentioned above, the code is a bit dense, but I think you might have a bit of type conversion problem between string and integers, is the "last value" always 0? try making these changes and let me know how you get on.

// replace this gridnode_loader.name = i;
gridnode_loader.name = i.toString();

// explictly type this as an int
_xmlnewstarget = parseInt(my_gridnode.name);

// replace this: my_tweens[Number(my_gridnode.name)] = new Tween(......
my_tweens[parseInt(my_gridnode.name)] = new Tween();

Oh and I think it goes without saying that you should massively refactor this code block once you've got it working.

Edit: after further study I think you need this

//replace this: my_gridnode.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadNewsContent);

var anonHandler:Function = function(e:MouseEvent):void

my_gridnode.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, anonHandler);

Where your loadNewsContent has changed arguements from (e:MouseEvent) to (id:String)

Firstly, you do not need to call addChild for the same loader twice (once in callGrid) and then in (gridLoaded). Then you can try putting inside loadNewsContent:
news_category = my_grid[int(e.target.name)].@category;
instead of
news_category = my_grid[_xmlnewstarget].@category;
As _xmlnewstarget seems to be bigger scope, which is why it is getting updated every time a load operation completes.





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