sed regex, work on substrings and not on whole line
suppose to have the following string:
commandone{alpha} commandtwo{beta} {gamma}commandthree commandtwo{开发者_Go百科delta}
and I want to abtain:
commandone{alpha} beta {gamma}commandthree delta
well I'm triying with regex and sed, I can easily find if is it present the pattern I look for /commandtwo{.*}/ but not erasing commandtwo and the following two brakets. A way would be to work only the substrings "commandtwo{beta}" and "commandtwo{delta}" but I don't know even if is it possible or noto using sed.
I'm looking for a regex to perform the action I've described. thank in advance
This seems to work:
sed 's/commandtwo{\([^}]*\)}/\1/g' inputfile
$ echo 'commandone{alpha} commandtwo{beta} {gamma}commandthree commandtwo{delta}'|sed 's/commandtwo{\([^}]*\)}/\1/g'
commandone{alpha} beta {gamma}commandthree delta
use awk
$ s="commandone{alpha} commandtwo{beta} {gamma}commandthree commandtwo{delta}"
$ echo "$s" | awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i~/commandtwo/){ gsub(/commandtwo|{|}/," ",$i)} }1'
commandone{alpha} beta {gamma}commandthree delta
assuming you want to strip all references to commandtwo from your code (but not it's arguments) probably somthing like /commandtwo{(.*?)}/\1