Samsung Galaxy Tab AVD with Google API?
I installed the add-on provided by Samsung so开发者_开发问答 I could create an AVD that would emulate a Galaxy Tab, but unfortunately my most important project uses the Google API (for using the Maps external library) which is not supported by the single additional target that the add-on provides. Does anyone know of any way to have an AVD for the Tab with support for the Google API?
the above posting got mangled. here it is again.
- copy (android sdk)/add-ons/(galaxy target/skins/. to (android sdk)/add-ons/(google target)
- edit the manifest file in the directory for (google target)
- add "skin=GALAXY Tab" (without quotes) to the manifest file. The google target will now launch without the system default and instead use the skin info from Samsung.
The GalaxyTAB AVD
does not have the Google API
s, the only way I got a real tablet emulator with Google API
s was creating a virtual machine, using one of these Android
images and a virtualization software, such as Virtual Box
. Then associating the Android
virtual machine with eclipse
, detailed instructions can be found here
p.s: This also yields a much faster emulator experience.
I had this problem and found a solution. On my Mac development machine here is what I did.
- copy /add-ons//skin/. to /add-ons/
- edit the manifest file in directory for your google target
- add "skin=GALAXY Tab" (without the quotes) to the manifest file. The google target will now launch without the system default and instead use the skin info from Samsung defined in the skin folder.
hope this helps