How to stream video over Socket Class (or XMLSocket) with ActionScript?
How to stream video over Socket Class (or 开发者_StackOverflowXMLSocket) with ActionScript?
How to do it using Socket Class (or XMLSocket) in AIR?
Why are you looking to stream video using Socket? The performance would be far, far less than what's offered by Adobe's built-in classes for this.
To stream audio and video in Flash, you'll need an FMS-alike server. Red5 is an open-source server that allows this (like Maciek said). However, serving your own live video over and then decoding it yourself would yield horrible performance. Essentially, the only way to stream video in performance-acceptable way would be to use This uses the RTMP protocol for media streaming.
Also, if it's not live streaming of video you are looking for, take look at serving those video files over a normal HTTP server and the FLV format.
I think You can only use sockets in Air. If You need streaming in Flex/Flash look for RED5 RTMP server, there are client and server examples.
Can't use Socket class for this -- you don't have a framebuffer to the webcam.
You could use Adobe Stratus for this -- it's a peer to peer negotiation layer that supports hooking Camera and Microphone up to a (peer to peer) NetStream.