
How to replace text not within a specific-Tag in JavaScript

I have a string (partly HTML) where I want to replace the string :-) into bbcode :wink:. But this replacement should not happen within <开发者_高级运维pre>, but in any other tag (or even not within a tag).

For example, I want to replace




I already tried it with the following RegEx, but it does not work (nothing gets replaced):

var s = ':-)<pre>:-)</pre><blockquote>:-)</blockquote>';
var regex = /:\-\)(?!(^<pre>).*<\/pre>)/g;
var r = s.replace(regex, ':wink:');

Can someone please help me? :-)

This ought to do it:-

var src = ":-)<pre>:-)</pre><blockquote>:-)</blockquote>"

var result = src.replace(/(<pre>(?:[^<](?!\/pre))*<\/pre>)|(\:\-\))/gi, fnCallback)

function fnCallback(s)
    if (s == ":-)") return ":wink:"
    return s;


It works because any pre element will get picked up by the first option in the regex and once consumed means that any contained :-) can't be matched since the processor will have moved beyond it.

You could avoid hellish regexes altogether if you use a suitable library such as jQuery, e.g.:

var excludeThese = ['pre'];

// loop over all elements on page, replacing :-) with :wink: for anything
// that is *not* a tag name in the excludeThese array

$('* not:(' + excludeThese.join(',') + ')').each(function() {

Just thought it'd be worth offering a DOM solution:


var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = ":-)<pre>:-)</pre><blockquote>:-)</blockquote>";

replace(div, /:-\)/g, ":wink:", function(){

    // Custom filter function.
    // Returns false for <pre> elements.

    return this.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'pre';


div.innerHTML; // <== here's your new string!

And here's the replace function:

function replace(element, regex, replacement, filter) {

    var cur = element.firstChild;

    if (cur) do {

        if ( !filter || filter.call(cur) ) {

            if ( cur.nodeType == 1 ) {
                replace( cur, regex, replacement );
            } else {
                cur.data = cur.data.replace( regex, replacement );


    } while ( cur = cur.nextSibling );


Almost good: Your negative lookbehind and lookahead where not in the right position and need a slight adjustment:

  1. Looks for all ":-)"
  2. ...but not if there is a <pre> behind (the regex cursor is!)
  3. ...but not if there is a </pre> before (the regex cursor is!)

as a side effect though: <pre>:-):-)</pre> works too but not <pre>:-):-):-)</pre>


ps. this is a firefox 104 browser (could be different in others)

try with var regex = /:-)(?!(^)*</pre>)/g;





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取 消

