
Do powerful IDEs make me lazy? [closed]

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I feel much comfort when coding in Visual Studio ID开发者_如何学CE. The auto-complete etc makes coding much faster and makes me lazier.

I just felt lost when coding in other not-so-powerful IDE like Android/Java in Eclipse, and notepad for Ruby and Rails.

Am I lazy? Do you have the same feeling?

Maybe my question should be why do other IDEs bring such powerful things?

It's not a matter of laziness, it's a matter of efficiency.

Do you feel lazy by coding in a high level language rather than assembler (or binary)? I don't.

Do you feel lazy driving your car across the country rather than cycling? I don't (for a start, the old ticker probably wouldn't hold out).

Anyway, you make laziness sound like a bad thing. I'm all for doing things in an easier way - it gets it done faster and allows me to spend more time with the family.

Some say laziness is one of the three virtues of a programmer.

You are not lazy just because you prefer using an oven rather than lighting a bonfire.

You could call it laziness, not having to indent every line, complete every statement, or have to reference back for the right parameter or class member when it is staring you in the face whenever you type a . or ->.

But I would think that it is a major relief, wouldn't you agree? I mean, how can a three-fold productivity increase possibly be a bad thing. And so long as you don't forget how to indent, or add a final ), then you have nothing to worry about.

So my advice, appreciate it!

Oh, and lazy is usually used to mean not getting enough exercise. Faster coding means more time to take a jog, so in a way, it is making you less lazy :).





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