How to stream an MP3 from an ASP.NET MVC Controller Action
I have an mp3 file in my site. I want to output it as a view. In my controller I have:
public ActionResult Stream()
string file = 'test.mp3';
this.Response.AddHea开发者_开发百科der("Content-Disposition", "test.mp3");
this.Response.ContentType = "audio/mpeg";
return View();
But how do I return the mp3 file?
Create an Action like this:
public ActionResult Stream(string mp3){
byte[] file=readFile(mp3);
return File(file,"audio/mpeg");
The function readFile should read the MP3 from the file and return it as a byte[].
If your MP3 file is in a location accessible to users (i.e. on a website folder somewhere) you could simply redirect to the mp3 file. Use the Redirect() method on the controller to accomplish this:
public ActionResult Stream()
return Redirect("test.mp3");
You should return a FileResult instead of a ViewResult:
return File(stream.ToArray(), "audio/mpeg", "test.mp3");
The stream parameter should be a filestream or memorystream from the mp3 file.
You don't want to create a view, you want to return the mp3 file as your ActionResult.
Phil Haack made an ActionResult to do just this, called a DownloadResult. Here's the article.
The resulting syntax would look something like this:
public ActionResult Download()
return new DownloadResult
{ VirtualPath="~/content/mysong.mp3", FileDownloadName = "MySong.mp3" };
public FileResult Download(Guid mp3FileID)
string mp3Url = DataContext.GetMp3UrlByID(mp3FileID);
WebClient urlGrabber = new WebClient();
byte[] data = urlGrabber.DownloadData(mp3Url);
FileStream fileStream = new FileStream("ilovethismusic.mp3", FileMode.Open);
fileStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
fileStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
return (new FileStreamResult(fileStream, "audio/mpeg"));
//return (new FileContentResult(data, "audio/mpeg"));
You should create your own class which inherits from ActionResult, here is an example of serving an image.
Why not use the Filepathresult?
Like this :
public FilePathResult DownLoad()
return new FilePathResult(Url.Content(@"/Content/01.I Have A Dream 4'02.mp3"), "audio/mp3");
And create the download link:
<%=Html.ActionLink("Download the mp3","DownLoad","home") %>