
Help with jQuery voting system. Trouble updating html vote count

I'm trying to create a Stackoverflow like voting system, and I've run into a slight problem.

I have the following HTML that has jQuery onClick events wired to it:

<div id="c_<%=Html.Encode(Model.C.cID) %>" class="votes">
    <img src="../../Content/gfx/Up.png" class="up" alt="" />
    <span class="votecount"><%= Html.Encode(Model.C.VoteCount)%></span>
    <img src="../../Content/gfx/Down.png" class="down" alt="" />

The jQuery onClick looks like this:

 $(".up").click(function() {
    var id = $(this).parent().attr("id").split("_");       
    if (id[0] == "c") {
        //C Vote
        //id[1] contains the id number.
        $.post("/Vote/CUp", { id: id[1] }, function(data) {
    } else {
        //R Vote
        $.post("/Vote/RUp", { id: id[1] }, function(data) {

My problem lies in trying to update the vote count. I just can't work out how to update the votecount span with the v开发者_C百科alues returned in the JSON object.

The JSON object is returning data, I've verified this using alert(data)

Help is much appreciated.

In the scope of the $.post() callback, this will give you a reference to the XMLHttpRequest object, not the element that raised the earlier click event.

You can assign this to a variable in the scope of the click handler and it will still be available in $.post()'s callback. Something like this:

$(".up").click(function() {
  var id = $(this).parent().attr("id").split("_");

  // Due to the awesome magic of closures, this will be available
  //  in the callback.  "el" is a weak name for the variable, you
  //  should rename it.
  var el = this;

  if (id[0] == "c") {
    //C Vote
    //id[1] contains the id number.
    $.post("/Vote/CUp", { id: id[1] }, function(data) {
        // siblings() is an easier way to select that.
    }, "json");
  } else {
    //R Vote
    $.post("/Vote/RUp", { id: id[1] }, function(data) {
    }, "json");



You could always try something like:

<div id="c_<%=Html.Encode(Model.C.cID) %>" class="votes">  
    <img src="../../Content/gfx/Up.png" class="up" alt="" />  
    <span class="votecount" id="vc_<%=Html.Encode(Model.C.cID) %>">
        <%= Html.Encode(Model.C.VoteCount)%>
    <img src="../../Content/gfx/Down.png" class="down" alt="" />  

with the following jQuery:

 $(".up").click(function() {
    var id = $(this).parent().attr("id").split("_");       
    if (id[0] == "c") {
        //C Vote
        //id[1] contains the id number.
        $.post("/Vote/CUp", { id: id[1] }, function(data) {
    } else {
        //R Vote
        $.post("/Vote/RUp", { id: id[1] }, function(data) {

And just make sure you pass the id back that you passed into the $.post() function in your data json object.

Note the adding of a unique identifier to the vote count div that we can call to.





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