
C# call Generic method dynamically [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: How do I use reflection to call a generic method? (8 answers) Closed 8 years ago.

Given the following Interfaces:

interface IEntity
    int Id{get;}

interface IPerson : IEntity
    string Name{get;} 
    int Age{get;}

interface ITeacher : IPerson 
    string StaffId{get;}

interface IStudent : IPerson 
    string StudentId{get;}
    string Courses{get;}

interface IRepository
    T Get<T>(int id) where T : IEntity

I have the following classes in my na开发者_StackOverflow社区mespace

public class EntityBase() : IEntity
    int Id{get;set;}
public class Teacher : EntityBase, ITeacher{}
public class Sudent : EntityBase, IStudent{}

Currently I am implementing this IRepository as follows:

class Repository: IRepository
    IDataContext Context{get;set;}

    T Get<T>(int id) where T : EntityBase
        if(typeof(T) == typeof(Teacher))
            return Context.Get<ITeacher>(id);
        if(typeof(T) == typeof(Sudent))
            return Context.Get<ISudent>(id);
        throw new Exception("Unknown Interface " + typeof(T).Name);

Is there a betterway of implementing this? Given that our Context has no knowledge of our data types (Teacher, Student), just its interfaces (ITeacher, IStudent).

Can something like this work?

class Repository: IRepository
    T Get<T>(int id) where T : EntityBase
        var MyInterface = FindInterface<T>();
        return Context.Get<MyInterface>(id);

I think this will do:

class Repository: IRepository
    IDataContext Context{get;set;}

    T Get<T>(int id) where T : EntityBase    
        string[] interfaceList = new string[] 
            { "ITeacher", "IStudent"};

        Type interfaceType = null;
        foreach (string s in interfaceList)
            var types = typeof(T).FindInterfaces((x, y) => x.Name == y.ToString(), s);

            if (types.Length > 0)
                interfaceType = types[0];

        if (interfaceType == null)
            throw new Exception("Unknown Interface " + typeof(T).Name);

        MethodInfo method = typeof(Context).GetMethod("Get");
        MethodInfo generic = method.MakeGenericMethod(interfaceType);

        var returnValue = generic.Invoke(Context, new object[] { id });

        return (T)Convert.ChangeType(returnValue, typeof(T));

EDIT: As I don't know the name of your namespace, I have used the Name property to filter the interfaces. In real world usage I will suggest that you use FullName just to be sure, like this:

string[] interfaceList = new string[] 
                { "MyNamespace.ITeacher", "MyNamespace.IStudent"};
var types = typeof(T).FindInterfaces((x, y) => x.FullName == y.ToString(), s);

I think you can accomplish this through reflection by finding the Get method on Context class, and invoking it as a generic call for the caller-supplied type T. I haven't tested this, but the code should look something like this:

T Get<T>(int id) where T : EntityBase
    Type context = Context.GetType();

    MethodInfo getMethod = context.GetMethod("Get", BindingFlags.Public);
    MethodInfo genericGet = getMethod.MakeGenericMethod(new [] {typeof(T)});

    return (T)genericGet.Invoke(Context, new object[] { id } );

It looks to me like you mean it the other way around. You don't want to pass interface types to Context.Get<>, do you?

// is this what you mean?
if (typeof(T) == typeof(ITeacher))
    return Context.Get<Teacher>(id);

If it is, you'll need to use MakeGenericMethod, see this for an example (note the caching part).
If it is not, you might be misunderstanding some concepts of LINQ and/or Repository pattern.

However I'm curious why did you decide to use interfaces. LINQ objects are POCO anyways, why adding another layer of abstraction which involves (grrsh!) calling generic methods on DataContext via reflection?

A simple return Context.Get<T>(id) could be accomplished as following:

class Repository : IRepository
   public IDataContext Context { get; set; }

   public T Get<T>(int id) where T : IEntity, new()

      return Context.Get<T>(id);


Following is your object/interface model with implementation for the Context

 interface IEntity
    int Id{get;}

interface IPerson : IEntity


interface ITeacher : IPerson 


interface IStudent : IPerson 


interface IDataContext
    T Get<T>(int id) where T:new();


interface IRepository  
    T Get<T>(int id) where T : IEntity , new() ;

public class EntityBase : IEntity
   public virtual int Id{get;set;}

public class Teacher : EntityBase, ITeacher {

    int id=0;
    public override int Id { 

                    get { return this.id; }

                    set { this.id = value; } 


public class Student : EntityBase, IStudent 
    int id=0;
    public override int Id {

                    get { return this.id; }

                    set { this.id = value; } 


class Context<T>: IDataContext where T: EntityBase,  new() 
    ArrayList store;

    public Context(int dataSize) 
         store = new ArrayList(dataSize);

        for (int i = 0; i < dataSize; i++)

            T t = new T();
            t.Id = i;           



    public T Get<T>(int i) where T:new()
        if (i<store.Count)

            return (T)store[i]; 

            return default(T);



Now finally the main method class to demonstrate that it all hangs together nicely.

 using System;
 using System.Collections;

class MyClass

    static void Main(string[] args)

        Context<Teacher> teachersContext  = new Context<Teacher>(100);//contructs a db of 100 teachers
        Context<Student> studentsContext = new Context<Student>(100);//contructs a db of 100 teachers 

        Repository repo = new Repository();

        // set the repository context and get a teacher

        repo.Context = teachersContext;
        Teacher teacher1 = repo.Get<Teacher>(83); //get teacher number 83
        Console.WriteLine("Teacher Id:{0} ", teacher1.Id);

        // redirect the repositry context and now get a student

        repo.Context = studentsContext;
        Student student1 = repo.Get<Student>(35); //get student  number 35

        Console.WriteLine("Student Id: {0} ", student1.Id);






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