how to get value from the fckeditor texfield
i have put fckeditor in jsp page. I want to get the value whatever we write on the editor textarea. I have put the code below in m开发者_如何学编程y jsp page.
As we all know that getting value of text field like is done by writing String title = request.getParameter("title1");
in the same way i want the value from the fckeditor..
Read the documentation of FckEditor which request parameters it sends to the server side and use HttpServletRequest#getParameter() the usual way.
If you don't want to put effort in reading the documentations for some reasons, you can also read all request parameters using HttpServletRequest#getParameterMap() so that you can learn which parameters FckEditor sends and finally apply this knowledge in the final coding.
In we use: fckEditor1.Value
I think in jsp you can use fckEditor1.getValue()
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