
C++ map really slow?

i've created a dll for gamemaker. dll's arrays where really slow so after asking around a bit i learnt i could use maps in c++ and make a dll.

anyway, ill represent what i need to store in a 3d array: information[id][number][number] the id corresponds to an objects id. the first number field ranges from 0 - 3 and each number represents a different setting. the 2nd number field represents the value for the setting in number field 1. so..


this would translate to "object with id 101 has a value of 4 for settings 1, 2 and 3". i did this to try and copy it with maps:

//declared as a class member
map<double,  map<int, double>*> objIdMap;

///// lower down the page, in some function
map<int, double> objSettingsMap;
objSettingsMap[1] = 4;
objSettingsMap[2] = 4;
objSettingsMap[3] = 4;
map<int, double>* temp = &objSettingsMap;
objIdMap[id] = temp;

so the first map, objIdMap stores the id as the key, and a pointer to another map which stores the number representing the setting as the key, and the value of the setting as the value.

however, this is for a game, so new objects with their own id's and settings might need to be stored (sometimes a hundred or so new ones every few seconds), and the existing ones constantly need to retrieve the values for every step of the game. are maps not able to handle this? i has a very similar thing going with game maker's array's and it worked fine.

Do not use double's as a the key of a map. Try to use a floating point comparison function if you want to compare two doubles.

1) Your code is buggy: You store a pointer to a local object objSettingsMap which will be destroyed as soon as it goes out of scope. You must store a map obj, not a pointer to it, so the local map will be copied into this object.

2) Maps can become arbitrarily large (i have maps with millions of entrys). If you need speed try hash_maps (part of C++0x, but also available from other sources), which are considerably faster. But adding some hundred entries each second shouldn't be a problem. But befre worring about execution speed you should always use a profiler.

3) I am not really sure if your nested structures MUST be maps. Depending of what number of setting you have, and what values they may have, a structure or bitfield or a vector might be more accurate.

If you need really fast associative containers, try to learn about hashes. Maps are 'fast enough' but not brilliant for some cases.

Try to analyze what is the structure of objects you need to store. If the fields are fixed I'd recommend not to use nested maps. At all. Maps are usually intended for 'average' number of indexes. For low number simple lists are more effective because of insert / erase operations lower complexity. For great number of indexes you really need to think about hashing.

Don't forget about memory. std::map is highly dynamic template so on small objects stored you loose tons of memory because of dynamic allocation. Is it what you are really expecting? Once I was involved in std::map usage removal which lowered memory requirements in about 2 times.

If you only need to fill the map at startup and only search for elements (don't need to change structure) I'd recommend simple std::vector with sort applied after all the elems inserted. And then you can just use binary search (as you have sorted vector). Why? std::vector is much more predictable thing. The biggest advantage is continuous memory area.





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