
DllImport method isn't receiving data

BYTE* pImageBuffer = NULL;
    eResult res = PlayerLib::CreateImageSnapshot( iPlayerRef, eBMP, &pImageBuffer );
   if( res > 0 )
         ....                                    // do something with the image
          WriteFile(FileHandle, pBuffer, eRes, NULL, NULL);
          ReleaseImageSnapshot( pImageBuffer );   // free the image buffer in not longer needed!

here i can receive the image data in pImageBuffer and i could do the some image process

the same way I have tryed in c# like

   public static extern int CreateImageSnapshot(int iPlayerRef, eImageFormat imgFormat,byte[] ppImageBuffer);

byte[] bte ;

here its giving some unhandeld Exception..... hopefully the problem is in byte[] but i can't point out... please help me to overcome it.... thanks in advance

here it shoud return the imagedata in ppImageBuffer... but here it's giving zero byte only

My suggest to you would be to marshal BYTE ** as ref IntPtr. Your declaration would be:

public static extern int CreateImageSnapshot(int iPlayerRef,
                         eImageFormat imgFormat, ref IntPtr ppImageBuffer);

P.S. and sorry for my English, guys ;)

One thing that looks off to me is your C# declaration of CreateImageSnapshot. Since your C++ code is correct, the third parameter must be a BYTE **. But in C# you have the third parameter as a byte[] which feels like an incompatible type.





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