
Is there a web site that does XSLT transformations and provides a URL as a result?

I would like to use Foursquare API XML results and transform them using XSLT to a RSS feed. I was wondering if there's any web site that has that functionality and generates a URL that returns the final transformation.

Something like:

  • From URL: http://foursquare.com/myapicall + XSLT transformation
  • I get a new URL: http://transformer/url=h开发者_高级运维ttp://server.com/myapiresult&xlst=XXX
  • that returns the resulting transformation

Any other ideas to achieve this are welcome!

Thanks a lot

The W3C hosts an XSLT 2.0 Online XSLT Servlet Service that can be used to transform files.


In addition to using the form, you can also invoke the XSLT servlet by formulating a URL with two querystring parameters: 1. xmlfile to specify the source XML and 2. xslfile the XSLT to apply:

The results of the transform are returned from the request to the URL.

For example: http://www.w3.org/2005/08/online_xslt/xslt?xmlfile=http://rss.cnn.com/rss/cnn_topstories.rss&xslfile=http://interglacial.com/rss/smb_rss2html.xsl

Conditions for Use

This service is provided without warranty.

This service is freely (show your support) provided for interactive use by individuals only and not to be utilized as a regular service by sites other than w3.org. We will consider blocking high volume usage or any usage that causes a strain on our Web servers.

Abuses of this service will be deterred, please report any incidents. To deter this service being utilized by spammers, SURBL is implemented.

You may also wish to install the application locally rather than using the W3C service. For your convenience a compiled version of this servlet and the org.w3c classes used are collected into a jar.

Not sure what exactly you are looking for, but these sites offer online XSLT transformations, showing the results in the browser:

  • http://www.w3schools.com/xsl/tryxslt.asp?xmlfile=cdcatalog&xsltfile=cdcatalog
  • http://chris.photobooks.com/xml/default.htm

I was wondering if there's any web site that has that functionality and generates a URL that returns the final transformation.

While there may be sites that offer such functionality, this is by definition limited to a certain XSLT processor and comes with limited functionality (for example it is likely that DTDs and functions as document() are not supported, as well as EXSLT and other useful libraries).

Also, do not expect such sites to be responsive, as it is extremely easy to suffocate any such site -- just commit an error that results in endless recursion.

Therefore, I recommend getting a good XSLT processor and performing the transformation on your own computer.

See my answer to this question for available free XSLT processors and environments.





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