How do I return exceptions from a Web service?
I've written a simple web servrice application in Delphi using THTTPSoapDispatcher and THTTPSoapPascalInvoker. Everything works ok, except that I don't understand how to handle exceptions. So whenever an exception occurs inside the service method, the following SOAP response is generated:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="">
<faultstring>Error Message</faultstring>
There's no useful exception message or error code.
How do I handle exceptions in such a way that the response includes the exception info?
Little more on this problem. For the exception to be translated into a correct SOAP response it should be either ERemotableException or a descendant of this exception class. The problem is that TSoapPascalInvoker (actually TOPToSoapDomConvert) fails to generate a correct XML. According to soap schema the order of elements faultactor, faultcode, faultstring is significant and TOPToSoapDomConvert place them in an incorrect order:
<faultstring>This is my Error Message</faultstring>
when it is expected to be
<faultstring>This is my Error Message</faultstring>
I've tried different combinations of TOPToSoapDomConvert options but nothing worked.
I ended up by fixing method TOPToSoapDomConvert.MakeFault. Is there a better solution?