
ActionScript: How to Import XML data as a variable (not as an Event)

I am attempting to import some simple XML data into Flash ActionSc开发者_JAVA百科ript 3.0. I can easily do this as an import that is posted to the stage, but I want to save it as a global variable instead. Here is the XML file that I am pulling from:

<nameof  file="academicWaterSavings">
<nameof  file="dormWaterSavings">
<nameof  file="greekWaterSavings">
<nameof  file="totalWaterSavings">

...and here is the actionscript:

    var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("data.xml");
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var utilitySavings:XML;

function xmlLoaded(event:Event):void
    utilitySavings = new XML(loader.data);
    academicWater.text = utilitySavings.nameof[0].waterValue;
    academicElec.text = utilitySavings.nameof[0].elecValue;
    var dormWater:String = utilitySavings.nameof[1].waterValue;
    trace (dormWater);

loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);

Notice the 'trace (dormWater)' I want to trace this outside of the function so it is accessible in later in my script. I can trace within the function, but this does me no good. I also am able to get the dynamic text to show up on the stage but, likewise, this does me little good.

I appreciate any help or insights.

I can see a couple of ways of achieving this , if you want to create a globally accessible Object, create a Singleton( not recommended ) , load your XML data into it then every object in your app will be able to access the loaded XML data.

The resulting code would give you something like this:

//Available throughout your app after the XML has been loaded & parsed
var dormWater:String = Singleton.dormWater;

Although you state you don't want Events, I think that using Signals could be a better approach. Load your XML and dispatch a Signal containing the relevant String to the object that needs it, when receiving the Signal , assign the String to a variable.

//In a specific class
private var _dormWater:String;

private function signalListener(value:Object ):void
   _dormWater = value.dormWater;




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