
How to get multiple items from <select> with PHP?

I'm building a theme options page for my WordPress theme and I would like to have a functionality to select multiple items from a list.

The "one option" select code I use looks like this: http://pastie.org/684800 and it works perfectly.

I'm a PHP newbie so I tried to modify the above code to achieve the result I want. Here's what I came up with: pastie.org/684804. As you can see, I basically added a some html values multiple="yes" hoping it will work ;)

The code displays the select item properly, but seems to only save the last selected one. Could someone please give some advice on how to achieve saving multi开发者_StackOverflow社区ple chosen items?

If you change the name of the select element to end with "[]", PHP will treat it as an array. All of the selected items will be elements in the array. For example:

<select name="myChoices[]" multiple="multiple"> ... </select>

    $selectedChoices = $_POST['myChoices']; // selectedChoices is an array

If you give the select a name followed by [] in the form,


you will get an array in the target PHP script that you can parse.

<select name="mySelection[]" multiple="multiple"> 

This will let you to access the multiple choice you in php





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