How to get the greatest difference among a list of ordered numbers in PHP?
For example,
The interval between numbers is:
So the greatest difference is 54.
How to implement this function?
function get_greatest_diff($arr_of_numbers)
You got a lot of different options:
- Sort the array, then compare the first and the last element
- For each element, compare it to each subsequent element. Keep the highest difference in memory.
- Implement some kind of merge-sort, but return the difference instead of the original sorted values.
You should handle the case where the array has less than 2 elements separately:
$maxDiff = -1;
for ($i = 0; $i + 1 < count($array); $i++) {
$diff = $array[$i + 1] - $array[$i];
if ($diff > $maxDiff)
$maxDiff = $diff;
You should do something like this :
$greatest_diff = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($arr_of_numbers) - 1; $i++)
$current_diff = $arr_of_numbers[$i + 1] - $arr_of_numbers[$i];
if($current_diff > $greatest_diff){
$greatest_diff = $current_diff;
echo $greatest_diff;