
Book or reference material for UML [closed]

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I have about four years of experience as a Java developer. I'm planning to get myself involved in the world of UML. Can anyone suggest some good books and reference material for UML?

UML Distilled, by Martin Fowler.

I have it here, and it's a very good introduction. Actually, it was a "required reading material" for my university, so can be thought of as a textbook as well.

Book Applying UML And Patterns


I used it during my study

I would recommend The Unified Modeling Language User Guide, written by the creators of UML, the "Three Amigos" of software engineering (Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson and James Rumbaugh).

Check out the UML Resource Page of the OMG. Among other resources, this page has links to the latest UML specifications.

There are plenty of good books available as well:

  • The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual - Rumbaugh, Jacobson, and Booch
  • The Unified Modeling Language User Guide - Booch, Rumbaugh, and Jacobson
  • UML Distilled - Martin Fowler

I am currently reading:

Object-oriented Systems analysis and design using UML

By Simon Bennett

It is given as indicative reading on my degree course, and has genuinely helped me a lot.

Don't read any book because all these guys just talk about UML but not about real life.

I would recommend to manually code and then reverse your code into a class diagram. You can also reverse a sequence diagram from your methods. Don't do more and certainy not read books because it is a waste of time :-)





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