Need to get my head around PHP classes [closed]
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Closed 9 years ago.
Improve this questionI'm pretty good with PHP, but the one thing I've never understood completely is classes. I've used a few (such as class.upload.php) but have fumbled my way around and more out of a monkey see monkey do approach.
Can anyone point me to some good tutorials that explain how these suckers work and how they function? I'd really appreciate it!
Thanks in advance
Nettuts: Object-Oriented PHP for beginners
That's a good startting point. They have a lot of these tutorials actually. Also a good idea is, to just go to your bookstore, and see what's lying around there.
I still prefer actual paper to screen reading. Also makes it easier to annotate.
The rest will come with time. After you understand the basics, it would be a good time to further read into OOP design patterns. Start with the singleton, as I feel like that is the easiest to grasp.
Tutorials won't help you. I'm exactly where you are, but found out that tuts really don't tell you the why and what of things. Only the How.
I really recommend you buy a book. Prentice Hall PHP Power Programming is one excellent book. has awesome resources for these types of things: