
Java-String is never read error!

This is driving me insane! Here's the code:

public static void main(String[] strings) {
    int input;
    String source;
    TextIO.putln("Please enter the shift value (between -25..-1 and 1开发者_如何转开发..25)");
    while ((input < 1 || input > 25) && (input <-25 || input >-1) && (input != 999 && input !=-999))
        TextIO.putln(input + " is not a valid shift value.");
        TextIO.putln("Please enter the shift value (between -25..-1 and 1..25)");
    TextIO.putln("Please enter the source text (empty line to quit)");
    source = TextIO.getln();
    TextIO.putln("Source    :" + source);?");


However, its telling me that 'source' is never read! It's not allowing me to get input! Can anyone see what the problem may be?

The compiler is correct; the variable source is never read. You're assigning a value to it (source = TextIO.getln();), but you're never reading that value back out.

To do so, you could do something like:


You seem to be having trouble reading text from the console with the TextIO class. Here's a more standard approach, introduced in Java 5:

   String source;
   Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
   source = in.nextLine();

What exactly do you wish to do with the variable source? As it stands, you're asking the user to enter a string, but you're not doing anything with that string.

You should probably ask one of your friends for help instead of posting our homework online. I feel as though this is subjective to cheating. If you are having trouble already, it is only going to get worse. You should be breezing through your freshman year.





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