
Access to hyperlink in listview in Itemtemplate

I'm trying to access a hyperlink on my listview. When the user logs in, the hyperlink will show on my homepage. It doesn't show.

protected void lvtop6_ItemCommand(object sender, ListViewCommandEventArgs e)

    ListView hlBuy = (ListView)lvtop6.FindControl("hlBuy");

    if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated==true)
        hlBuy.Visible = true;
开发者_运维百科    }
        hlBuy.Visible = false;

Please somebody advise me to figure out what is wrong with my code behind

It's not clear what you're trying to set visible: your Hyperlink or your ListView.

You've cast a control to type ListView, but your Hungarian notation seems to suggest that it's a hyperlink. Update your question with more details, and we can get it sorted out.

Does lvtop6_ItemCommand() ever get called? Can you set a breakpoint in that code?

Meanwhile, try to simplify your 5 lines of code into 1:

hlBuy.Visible = User.Identity.IsAuthenticated;

Perhaps you need to cast your hyperlink:

HyperLink hlBuy = (HyperLink)lvtop6.FindControl("hlBuy");

I'm trying to set visible my Hyperlink in my listview(lvtop6) the reason of why I'm doing this is when a user logged in then the hyperlink (hlBuy) will appear on my homepage. I'm not sure about that event I'm using lvtop6_ItemCommand() because when I set breakpoint nothing happend I've tried Databound events either but it did'nt work.





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