VIM macro for interacting with multiple tabs
This is what I want to do using GVIM 7.3:
- open a file in new tab开发者_Go百科 (first tab)
- get all lines which contain a pattern -> insert them to a register/clipboard
- open a new tab (second tab)
- paste the code from clipboard
- do some regex replace process in the second tab.
I can manually execute commands one by one successfully.
I even can do commands in sequence using this sample :
:let @b="This Value should be pasted in second tab" | :set dir=$TEMP | :tabe tabname | "bp | :%s/tab/tab and replaced in second tab/gi
but when I record them into a macro; The macro stops at step 3
Is there special technique dealing with function/macro that access multiple tabs
Thank you.
this is the commands sample
:let @b="This Value should be pasted in second tab"
:set dir=$TEMP
":tabe tabName
:%s/tab/tab and replaced in second tab/gi
You have a wrong syntax on your first line: Ex commands should not start with :
: you use :
to open command line, it is not an Ex command designator. So, all what "bp
does in this sequence is commenting the whole line starting with "
. If you want to execute normal command "bp
, use execute 'normal! "bp'
, but you can also paste with put b
. Function that can do what you want (to be put in ~/.vimrc
function! FindToTab(regex) let @b="" execute 'g/'.escape(a:regex, '/').'/.yank B' set dir=$TEMP tabe tabName put b %s/tab/tab and replaced in second tab/gi endfunction noremap <special> ,r :<C-u>call FindToTab(input("What to find? /", @/))<CR>