
OC4J orion-application.xml - elements and attributes mapped to deployment plan properties

I read in oracle docs a sentence like this:

"Each property maps to an element attribute in 开发者_如何学JAVAthe orion-application.xml descriptor."

These properties are from deployment plan and I need to know what is the name of the element in orion-application.xml which is mapped to webSiteBinding property (from deployment plan).

If your trying to bind a war file to a specific address (e.g. http://application-server.com/myapp/ - you can specify that in application.xml. No need to use orion-application.xml for that. orion-application.xml is usually used for non j2ee spec things like jazn settings - compiler and library instructions, jmx, ejb compile instructions, etc..). The closest thing I can guess at from your question is you can specify the

<web-module id> 

in orion-application.xml. Which looks like this:

<web-module id="my-app" path="myapp.war" />

But I don't think that is what your after. I think you just want to know in application.xml. Like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE application PUBLIC '-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application 1.3//EN' 'http://java.sun.com/dtd/application_1_3.dtd'>
    <display-name>My Application</display-name>
    <description>My Really Awesome Application</description>





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