
zlib.h versus zlib.net

I have made a compression in c/c++ (NO UNDER THE CLR) using the library zlib.h, and it works great. the functions that I use deflate() and inflate(). Now the file compressed by the c application, I want to decompress it with the zlib.net application, using c#, but I do not manage to get it working. When trying to decompress it, I get the error of the magic number, a number used by an specific application in the header. Does anyone know how to get through this problem, or if someone can give me an example of the inflate()/deflate() functionality in .net for more info on how I have done my compression, is similar 开发者_如何学运维to the one in the link http://www.zlib.net/zlib_how.html

Also, can any one advice me of a good lib to perform compression in both c++ and .net, Many thanks in advance...

There's some discussion on this here: Zlib-compatible compression streams?

I think Boost may work with zlib to add the header information: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_36_0/libs/iostreams/doc/classes/gzip.html





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