Connecting UIViewControllers with a image using touchesBegan
I got a MainViewController who has addes a SubViewController.
In the SubViewController there another SubSubViewController who has image inside witch will be clicked sometimes.
When touchesBegan dispatch the delegate of SubSubViewController is getting called.
Now i need this.
[mainViewController method] inside the SubSubViewController. How do i connect to this parent?
Any help would be really nice!!
The best way is to use your AppDelegate.
[ (AppDelegate*)[ [ UIApplication sharedApplication ] delegate ] doSomething ];
Good Luck ! Vincent
You could do: [[subsubView superview] superview]
to get a reference to your mainview. Or you could use a subclass for your subsubview and give it a property and set it to keep a reference to its super-viewcontroller upon creation.
Edit: Forget about superview, it works only for views, you're interested in viewcontrollers. Sorry I got you wrong. Try keeping a reference, besides using a property in the VC itself, you could store it in the appdelegate or another singleton to make it easy to access.