How can I determine if a value is in a Perl array?
I'm using this small snippet to determine whether or not a URL is currently being stored in an array:
if( $self->{_local} eq "true" && ! grep {m|^$new_href?$|} @m_href_array ) {
push( @m_href_array,开发者_JAVA百科 $new_href );
push( @href_array, $new_href );
It seems to work but then my code throws an error saying:
Sequence (?$...) not implemented in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/^javascript:SearchGo(?$ <-- HERE / at C:/Perl/site/lib/ line 152, <> line 1.
Can anyone explain why this is happening?
When searching for a string in an array, you can just use eq
, rather than a regular expression:
grep { $_ eq $new_href } @m_href_array
However, if you really do need to use a regular expression (for example you are searching for a string matching a substring in the array, you should always quote the string, so that embedded special characters in your string do not have undesired effects:
grep { /\Q$substr\Esomething_else/ } @array
Moreover, if all you care about is whether the value is there, somewhere, you can short-circuit as soon as you've found a match:
use List::Util 'first';
if (first { $_ eq $new_href } @m_href_array) { ... }
use List::MoreUtils 'any';
if (any { $_ eq $new_href } @m_href_array) { ... }
If you're going to be doing a lot of searches, or your array is really long, you can make the process faster still by transforming the array into a hash, so you have O(1) lookups:
my %values_index;
@values_index{@array} = ();
if (exists $values_index{$element}) { ... }
You don't need regexp here. Just use eq
grep { $_ eq $new_href } @m_href_array
Also it's a good idea to use hash instead of array for faster checking:
my %allready_used_url;
if ( $self->{_local} eq "true" && ! exists $allready_used_url{ $new_href } ) {
$allready_used_url{ $new_href } = 1; ## add url to hash
push( @m_href_array, $new_href );
push( @href_array, $new_href );
What do you mean by the ?
in $new_href?
? Assuming there's a string in $new_href
, do you expect the last letter of the string to be optional? That's not how the RE parser reads it.
Looks like the value of $new_herf
is javascript:SearchGo(
which when substituted in the regex check looks like:
which is a broken regex as there is no matching )
for (
You're using the URL as the pattern, and it's not a valid pattern. That's not so bad because there are much better ways to do this. The smart match makes it almost trivial:
use 5.010;
if( $new_href ~~ @urls ) { ... }