
Why doesn't [NonSerialized] work on autoimplemented properties?

class MyClass
    [NonSerialized] int Foo { get; set; } // error
    [NonSerialized] int bar; // ok

Why is this disallowed?

I know about the workarounds su开发者_开发问答ch as

  • implementing ISerializable
  • switching to XmlSerializer/XmlIgnore
  • switching to a manually-implemented property

The question is specifically why is [NonSerialized] disallowed on properies, yet allowed on fields.

Properties are actually methods, they are not serialized by the binary serialization process. It's the fields that are serialized. So it only makes sense to specify NonSerialized on a field.

I think this is a case of fine-grained control requiring more effort on your part. In other words, an automatic property will by default have a serializable backing field. If you want anything other than the default, then you can't use an automatic property.

I had thought that using [field:NonSerialized] against the property might work, but it does not. The C# spec does not explicitly call out the serializability of the backing field, but it does include this (10.7.3):

The following example:
 public class Point {
    public int X { get; set; } // automatically implemented
    public int Y { get; set; } // automatically implemented
is equivalent to the following declaration:
public class Point {
    private int x;
    private int y;
    public int X { get { return x; } set { x = value; } }
    public int Y { get { return y; } set { y = value; } }

Thus, the backing field is serializable (the default).

You may want to look at IgnoreDataMemberAttribute if you're using WCF. This works on auto-properties.

Works even if you don't mark all the other members as DataMember (which I always find to be a pain) and the class with DataContract





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