How to Get Number of Months and Days From Two Dates
I have two tables:
AgeMilestones //Represents available timespans
Id int
Description varchar //(newborn, 1 month old, 2 month old, etc.)
NbrMonths int //( 0, 1, 2, etc.)
NbrDays int //(0, 1, 2, etc.)
Id int
DateOfBirth DateTime
I need to get the AgeMilestones that a given child has currently passed in age. The problem is that a real month can have 28 days, 30 days or 31 days. So if I convert NbrMonths into days, I may occasionally be off by a few days.
Is there any other way to do this that would be more accurate using the existing the table structure?
I need to figure what agemilesstone corresponds to the number of months/days that exist in the time between the child was born and today(something similar to below). I am 开发者_如何转开发getting tripped up in cases where an age milestone may be 3 months and 15 days, or 5 months and 7 days...SET @Days = DateDiff(d,child.DateOfBirth, GetDate())
SET @Months = DateDiff(m,child.DateOfBirth, GetDate())
SELECT * FROM AgeMileStone WHERE NbrMonths < @Months AND NbrDays < @Days
Problem with records like
Id: 4
Description: "5 and 1/2 months"
Months: 5
Days: 15It's quite easy to do using datediff(month, DOB, getdate())
Something like this:
declare @dob datetime = getdate() - 123; --born 123 days ago
select cast(datediff(month, @dob, getdate()) as varchar) + ' month old'
,cast(datediff(day, @dob, getdate()) as varchar) + ' days old'
declare @dob datetime;
set @dob = getdate() - 125;
datediff(month, @dob, getdate()) [Months],
datediff(day, dateadd(month, datediff(month, @dob, getdate()), @dob), getdate()) [Offset Days]
I believe this solves it because the DATEADD
function will take care of add the months and days appropriately given the starting date of birth:
declare @AgeMilestones table (
NbrMonths int not null,
NbrDays int not null,
[Description] varchar(64) not null
declare @Child table (
ChildId int not null identity,
Name varchar(32) not null,
DateOfBirth datetime not null
insert @AgeMilestones values (5, 15, '5 and 1/2 months')
insert @AgeMilestones values (0, 0, 'newborn')
insert @Child values ( 'Yearling', '2010-01-01' )
insert @Child values ( 'Newborn', GETDATE() )
declare @currentChild int = 2
from @Child c
inner join @AgeMilestones m
on dateadd(month, m.NbrMonths, dateadd(day, m.NbrDays, c.DateOfBirth)) <= getdate()
where c.ChildId = @currentChild
I would suggest utilizing something like this:
try using
SELECT datepart(dayofyear, c.DateOfBirth) as 'doy' from child c
Here is a query that uses the AgeMilestones table you have and the DATEADD function, which returns the list of milestones for a child born on a particular day.
-- setup the AgeMilestone table with some initial data
CREATE table AgeMilestone (milestone_month int, milestone_name varchar(50))
insert into AgeMilestone (milestone_month, milestone_name) values (1, '1 month')
insert into AgeMilestone (milestone_month, milestone_name) values (2, '2 month')
insert into AgeMilestone (milestone_month, milestone_name) values (3, '3 month')
insert into AgeMilestone (milestone_month, milestone_name) values (4, '4 month')
insert into AgeMilestone (milestone_month, milestone_name) values (12, '12 month')
insert into AgeMilestone (milestone_month, milestone_name) values (24, '24 month')
Declare @DOB DATETIME = '1/14/2009'
milestone_month, milestone_name
FROM AgeMilestone
where DATEADD(month, milestone_month, @DOB) <= GETDATE()