Ruby on Rails -- How can I update ruby to >= 1.8.7
I've been trying to figure this out but its starting to make me want to pull my hair out.
I'm installing RoR on a new machince using instantrails.
Whenever I run "gem update --system", I get the error for several gems? that "activesupport requires Ruby 开发者_StackOverflowversion >= 1.8.7"
I run "ruby -v" and it returns "ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111) [i386-mswin32]
I am using Windows Vista.
I've already been to and install the latest version of ruby into the C:/ directory....but still the version remains the same.
How can i fix this?
Install using Ruby Installer.
Ruby 1.8.7: Download link.