Is it possible in C# to access an object's fields using field names generated at runtime
Here is what I mean:
I need to be able to substitute this ugly looking C# code:
if (attribute.Name == "Name") machinePool.Name = attribute.Value;
else if (attribute.Name == "Capabilities") machinePool.Capabilities = attribute.Value;
el开发者_如何学Gose if (attribute.Name == "FillFactor") machinePool.FillFactor = attribute.Value;
into something like this:
machinePool.ConvertStringToObjectField(attribute.Name) = attribute.Value;
There is no ConvertStringToObjectField() method, but I would like to have something like this, if it's possible. I have access to the machinePool object class code, so I can add neccessary code, but I am not sure what code it may be or is it even possible to do in C#.
Yes, you can do this through reflection:
var fieldInfo = machinePool.GetType().GetField(attribute.Name);
fieldInfo.SetValue(machinePool, attribute.Value);
You could also create an extension method to make things easier:
public static void SetField(this object o, string fieldName, object value)
var fi = o.GetType().GetField(fieldName);
fi.SetValue(o, value);
Yes, you can. Here's some code I use when I want to get property names as strings (ie, to handle a PropertyChangedEventHandler) but I don't want to use the strings themselves:
public static string GetPropertyName<T>(Expression<Func<T, object>> propertyExpression)
Check.RequireNotNull<object>(propertyExpression, "propertyExpression");
switch (propertyExpression.Body.NodeType)
case ExpressionType.MemberAccess:
return (propertyExpression.Body as MemberExpression).Member.Name;
case ExpressionType.Convert:
return ((propertyExpression.Body as UnaryExpression).Operand as MemberExpression).Member.Name;
var msg = string.Format("Expression NodeType: '{0}' does not refer to a property and is therefore not supported",
Check.Require(false, msg);
throw new InvalidOperationException(msg);
And here's some test code to help you work through it:
public class ExpressionsExTests
class NumbNut
public const string Name = "blah";
public static bool Surname { get { return false; } }
public string Lame;
public readonly List<object> SerendipityCollection = new List<object>();
public static int Age { get { return 12; }}
public static bool IsMammel { get { return _isMammal; } }
private const bool _isMammal = true;
internal static string BiteMe() { return "bitten"; }
public void NodeTypeIs_Convert_aka_UnaryExpression_Ok()
Assert.That(ExpressionsEx.GetPropertyName<NumbNut>(nn => NumbNut.Age), Is.EqualTo("Age"));
Assert.That(ExpressionsEx.GetPropertyName<NumbNut>(nn => NumbNut.IsMammel), Is.EqualTo("IsMammel"));
Assert.That(ExpressionsEx.GetPropertyName<NumbNut>(nn => NumbNut.Surname), Is.EqualTo("Surname"));
public void NodeTypeIs_MemberAccess_aka_MemberExpression_Ok()
Assert.That(ExpressionsEx.GetPropertyName<NumbNut>(nn => nn.SerendipityCollection), Is.EqualTo("SerendipityCollection"));
Assert.That(ExpressionsEx.GetPropertyName<NumbNut>(nn => nn.Lame), Is.EqualTo("Lame"));
public void NodeTypeIs_Call_Error()
CommonAssertions.PreconditionCheck(() => ExpressionsEx.GetPropertyName<NumbNut>(nn => NumbNut.BiteMe()),
"does not refer to a property and is therefore not supported");
public void NodeTypeIs_Constant_Error() {
CommonAssertions.PreconditionCheck(() => ExpressionsEx.GetPropertyName<NumbNut>(nn => NumbNut.Name),
"does not refer to a property and is therefore not supported");
public void IfExpressionIsNull_Error()
CommonAssertions.NotNullRequired(() => ExpressionsEx.GetPropertyName<NumbNut>(null));
public void WasPropertyChanged_IfPassedNameIsSameAsNameOfPassedExpressionMember_True()
Assert.That(ExpressionsEx.WasPropertyChanged<NumbNut>("SerendipityCollection", nn => nn.SerendipityCollection), Is.True);
public void WasPropertyChanged_IfPassedPropertyChangeArgNameIsSameAsNameOfPassedExpressionMember_True()
var args = new PropertyChangedEventArgs("SerendipityCollection");
Assert.That(ExpressionsEx.WasPropertyChanged<NumbNut>(args, nn => nn.SerendipityCollection), Is.True);
You could do something like:
void SetPropertyToValue(string propertyName, object value)
Type type = this.GetType();
type.GetProperty(propertyName).SetValue(this, value, null);
Then use it like:
machinePool.SetPropertyToValue(attribute.Name, attribute.Value);